Un archivo de la obra y textos de la artista Ana Fernandez mejor conocida como Miranda Texidor
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Miranda Texidor Poemas de Amor y Cartas de Recomendación en Cuenca
Esta es una e accion poética que comenzó en San Francisco California dentro de la muestra Cries of San Francisco en Southern Exposure Gallery, y continúa en Cuenca en el Parque Calderón, dentro de Cuarto Aparte, plataforma alternativa a la Bienal de Cuenca, en el Manso Night Bazaar en Guayaquil y en la Plaza de la Independencia en Quito, ya en su calendario 2012.
Funcionan así: la gente se acerca, me piden un póema de amor para alguien querido, o una carta de recomendación para un trabajo ideal, yo les pido que me cuenten algo de la persona para la que va el poema de amor o si no algo de ellos mismos cuando se trata de la recomendación. Se produce entonces un maravilloso momento de confesión, de acercamiento que me permite crear el poema o la carta. Generalmente los poemas son muy sencillos, en una rima casi casera, pero super románticos.
Las cartas de recomendación son de corte idealista, con el fin de atraer o llamar ese trabajo maravilloso que siempre hemos deseado.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, August 01, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Personal Cartographies, Cartografías personales
Stroll out with only one thing in mind, the path will tell you where to go. Act on impulses at all times. Give yourself plenty of time since no set itinerary is at hand. This will take to unexpected places. Be prepared to encounter the unimaginable and act accordingly. Take notes in your notebook. Find an object as a souvenir. Sit down for a while in a café along the way. Say hello to at least one person and ask her a personal question. When you have had enough go back home, if available, and have a cup of soup, wine or coffee, water is good occasionally.
Caracas Tiger
Coming out of Savana Grande, I take the elevator to the first floor, I greet the guard and get coffee in the café right down. I cross La Solana enter the Boulevard Savana Grande, I am tempted to look for something other than a shoe store: a Tiger for instance. I keep walking and stop to gaze at the books at Suma, a forty-year-old bookstore. I come in, I ask if they have a book on Funes, the lady does not understand, nor has it, nor knows it, looks at her computer it does not ring a bell she says. I get out and quickly head to the Metro, to Plaza Venezuela going to El Silencio. I get off right at the offices of the Department of Culture. I walk down the smelly hall full of Piñatas and Muñecos, I don’t know if it smells of cat or human pee, I fill in the visitors log going to floor 16 Towers of Silence. The Director has quit, come back next week.
Café Quito
Every now and then take the Belisario Quevedo bus with all the rights and wrongs pertaining hitherto. Go down Mañosca Street gustily inhaling the smog that emerges from all engines sparing bits of luminous air from time to time. Bravely defy self-defeating tendencies. Snooze all the way to Universidad Central where you will encounter a student riot. Be mindful of stones passing by your bus side to side. You will hit Basilica del Voto Nacional gothic cathedral. Climb all the way up, some stairs might still be under construction after one hundred and fifty years, watch your step. After you have reached the last flight of stairs, catch your breath, come down nonchalantly.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sewing Circle San Francisco
Lashaune & Moher
Moher and beautiful violet dress by Jeannie
Claire, Catherine, Maio, Ana, Sandra
Moher, Claire, Catherine, Maio
Moher ancore!
Like Mother like son, Ana and Maio
Beautiful knitted dresses by Jeannie