Thursday, June 23, 2016

SuMmeR iN tHe CiTy, ChRoNiClEs of War and hAvOc in aMeRicA

I have started a  new series of work based on the this epidemic of gun violence,  so everyday  in the cities in America (The United States). The latest episodes of violent homicidal rage among angry young men, when of color named terrorists, when white,  allegedly experiencing mental health issues, are just disheartening and very difficult to understand. Latest enraging episodes of police violence against people of color are part of this series also. Here is my first takes on this sad an worrying issue. Large crowds of protests and marches are happening as we speak around cities in the US. Republican representatives have shown a negative to pass any laws against gun control.

"Second amendment", 14 x 14 inches, ink and gouache on paper, 2016

"If we had guns on the other side, POOM", 14 x 15 inches, ink and gouache on paper, 2016

"We have the right to bear arms", 15 x 14 inches, ink and gouache on paper, 2016

"Lets make America great again" 14 x 15 inches, ink and gouache on paper, 2016

Dallas one, ink and gouche on paper, 15 x14 inches, 2016

Dallas too, ink and gouache on paper, 15 x 14 inches, 2016

Aleppo/Nize, ink and gouache on paper, 100 x 60 inches, 2016

Sunday, May 01, 2016

HiLaNdo fiNo, iterations

This is a project I have been involved for ten years now. Textile based, women's groups that get together in order to share sewing, ideas, feelings, food and drink, not necessarily in that order. The craft practice gives way to an array of participatory relational type of encounters, conversations and questions that have made us stay together. I have started various groups in San Francisco, California, Engabao, Puerto el Morro, and Quito Ecuador. I am still participant of two of them, and working on different projects at a time. The San Francisco crew  has gone various transformations as we age and see life sometimes overwhelming us with sad and devastating happenings that touch our lives profoundly. We are now involved in the Vision quilt, against gun violence, working each on a piece that will make part of a greater piece. We are also working on a longer term project that plans to be part of our collaboration with other artists in the South of France. The Puerto el Morro initiative did not take hold, as well as Engabao. The Quito Group nonetheless is still alive and kicking with a solid artistic collective working on a pretty interesting follow up of the Doll House project, now centered on the theme of botanics and the Amazon. 

First collective quilt at La Alameda Quito 2007

Josie Caceres, part of the Quito collective 2007

Gifts, a project with women from La Magdalena, a neighborhood in Quito Ecuador, 2007

                    Engabao, from Franja Arte Comunidad, Engabao, Ecuador 2011/2012

Food always gives us a place to encounter, 2007

Project Doll House  Quito Ecuador 2010

Puerto el Morro Ecuador 2009

The term successful in terms of production is pretty questionable here. All these projects have in common the capacity to generate a safe space of trust and wonderment, a relation that could endure and be transformative. The space and time to share conversation and meaningful engagement. They all share the idea of adult "play" as vehicle for further  questions and conversations. They are all succeeding in bringing women of all ages to talk and create their envisioning of present and future.


“TE LEO LAS CARTAS” A Therapeutic Tarot reading
A nomad performance by impersonation
This social action calls for a Marseille Tarot (Jodorowsky’s style) reader to impersonate artist Miranda Texidor and perform various therapeutic Tarot card readings throughout the duration of the exhibit.
This action follows the line of performance developed by artist Ana Fernandez Miranda Texidor, who, in the tradition of charlatans and street peddlers goes out and offers her services as Love Poem writer (Miranda Texidor Poems of Love and Letter of recommendation) and now Tarot reader.
The impersonator would be given (mailed) attire entirely handmade by the artist and would have to perform according to instructions, which follow:
TE LEO LAS CARTAS performance
1. A Marseille Tarot card deck
2. Knowledge of Jodorowsky’s style Tarot readings
3. Miranda Texidor’s attire (mailed by the artist)
4. Small table and two chairs
Get dressed and ready as Miranda Texidor at home. Take a taxicab, bike or walk to the exhibition site. Take a sip of bourbon or your favorite enhancing substance (optional), to relax a bit. Sit in one chair at small table, announce your services to passersby, asking in any language you choose “Te Leo las cartas?” (Tarot reading? Ti leggo i Tarocchi?). Give each individual’s reading with love and caring, offering questions and sensing their needs. Remember this is not a divination, but a helpful, therapeutic way of aiding people in self-knowledge. These instructions can flexibly change according to your take and should follow your own ways of performing. Be ready to flow with the ebb of events and enjoy it! 
This action will take place at MAAC Guayaquil Ecuador on May 18 2016

Acción en tres tiempos para callejeros y nómadas, Miranda Texidor

El Tarot, la lectura de la palma de la mano, la adivinación, los conjuros mágicos, los buzios o caracoles y “los trabajos” son toda una serie de prácticas consideradas marginales. Más bien se podría aventurar que han sido marginadas de las ciencias sociales o de prácticas espirituales ortodoxas. Como una práctica llevada a cabo casi exclusivamente por mujeres (generalmente etnias Romaní e indígena) para ganar un dinerillo extra (como con la artesanía o la prostitución), han sido excluidas de los estudios sociales, de la crítica cultural y de las religiosidades aceptadas por la sociedad en sus muchos cultos espirituales.
Esta acción “Te leo las cartas” emprende una investigación de campo, al mismo tiempo que busca tocar el lado sanador de prácticas como la conversación y la confidencia. Miranda Texidor, proveedora de experiencias mágico- científicas- afectivas, en su nueva caracterización como Cartomante, sale a la calle a leer las cartas del Tarot de Marsella (Jodorowsky) a los transeúntes. Abre su cajita mágica que se convierte ipso facto en mesa, baraja los 22 arcanos mayores y trabaja con el cliente para que la lectura realmente comporte una respuesta sanadora, más que divinatoria, para el mismo.
El cliente entonces se confiesa de alguna manera, confía, hace en fin, su confidencia a la adivinadora Miranda. Ella puede entonces indagar en una posible respuesta a esta pregunta, que será a su vez otra pregunta pertinente para la situación personal que atraviesa. Esta parte de la confidencia, conlleva un proceso de sanación, pues al enunciarlo el confidente ya está dándole forma a su problemática.
Se termina la sesión con la entrega de un símbolo por parte de la Cartomante, si el cliente quiere puede dar de sí lo que quiera o tenga ( no dinero).

Esta acción tendrá lugar en el MAAC Guayaquil Ecuador el 18 de  Mayo 2016.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

COLIFLOWER POWER Ocho y Medio, a mural in the city of Quito

En Julio fui comisionada para hacer la tremenda labor de pintar este mural para el Ocho y medio en el barrio de la Floresta en Quito. Una experiencia totalmente distinta que aquella de pintar en mi estudio. Pude conocer a los cineastas, que siempre llegan a almorzar al Cafetina, y sus proyectos unos muy buenos y otros de muy buena fe. Tuve la ayuda de mucha gente de la comunidad para pintar. El apoyo siempre constante del Ocho y su directora. Debo decir que no fue fácil, es una tarea homérica, gigantesca puestos a ver, pero finalmente fue terminada en un súper convite para los amigos y vecinos. No es fácil pintar en la calle, los pitos, los humos, los vecinos, altercados en los que no tenía nada que ver pero me tocaban, en fin, señores y señoras. Aquí está!

In July this year I was commissioned by the Film House Ocho y Medio in Quito Ecuador to create a mural for their entrance. All freedom was given to this project which I called COLIFLOWER POWER in homage to that beautiful power of the weak and nonsensical. It was a great chance to work with community in el Barrio La Floresta and to  get to know the filmmakers and patrons of that wonderful café named Cafetina. It was quite an experience altogether different from painting in my studio. Loved the results. Thanks to Ocho s  directors support and the people of la Floresta. Voilá!