Thursday, June 23, 2016

SuMmeR iN tHe CiTy, ChRoNiClEs of War and hAvOc in aMeRicA

I have started a  new series of work based on the this epidemic of gun violence,  so everyday  in the cities in America (The United States). The latest episodes of violent homicidal rage among angry young men, when of color named terrorists, when white,  allegedly experiencing mental health issues, are just disheartening and very difficult to understand. Latest enraging episodes of police violence against people of color are part of this series also. Here is my first takes on this sad an worrying issue. Large crowds of protests and marches are happening as we speak around cities in the US. Republican representatives have shown a negative to pass any laws against gun control.

"Second amendment", 14 x 14 inches, ink and gouache on paper, 2016

"If we had guns on the other side, POOM", 14 x 15 inches, ink and gouache on paper, 2016

"We have the right to bear arms", 15 x 14 inches, ink and gouache on paper, 2016

"Lets make America great again" 14 x 15 inches, ink and gouache on paper, 2016

Dallas one, ink and gouche on paper, 15 x14 inches, 2016

Dallas too, ink and gouache on paper, 15 x 14 inches, 2016

Aleppo/Nize, ink and gouache on paper, 100 x 60 inches, 2016