Tuesday, April 04, 2006



Red and orange brick buildings have remained erect in the city’s quarters.
The land has been moved recently.
I mean it is all landfill. Debris of all kinds of earthquakes and battles. A big pay loader keeps removing the soil where remains of corpses, hundreds of dead bodies are being tossed, like salad… (soil salad).
There is a big rush and we are all running through the streets dirty and wet with mud trampling over arms, heads and legs.
“The soldiers”, they yell “the American soldiers are coming!!” and we all run panic stricken…. Anywhere.
“They were told to wear samurai vests!!!” they keep yelling.

1 comment:

Patricio Texidor said...

My name is Texidor, but I'm not a samurai...are we related? Tell me about your name. Where does Miranda Texidor come from and where is she going?